Driving north bound out of Glasgow you find yourself in the wilderness quite quickly, with Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park becoming our stop off point before rolling into the Highlands. Even though there seemed to be a lot of cars parked around the loch, people were scarce: ideal. Lomond is a very peaceful place to stare out toward, even though the other side is in sight, it feels like a very distant place, as if the loch was a sea between neighbouring lands.
Reaching the highlands you very quickly begin to put every worry in your life into perspective. The kind of philosophising that only occurs when you surround yourself in mountainous landscapes. It's a place where even the tallest trees in a woodland seem nothing in comparison to the slopes that tower above them.
Some of the landmarks we visited were The Glenfinnan Viaduct, used in the Harry Potter films, along with a walk to Hagrid's hut (near Glencoe) and the Black Lake of Hogwarts (Loch Shiel). We also managed a walk around Glencoe Lochan, its mirrored waters and dense woodland all before heading to find a place to camp for the night... and that search is a whole other story...