My first visit to the British Museum was made with the excuse that I needed to go there for research on a new project idea i'm working on. I didn't manage to get much done, I got distracted by the architecture of the place. The way light and shadows played around on the walls and floors drew a lot of my attention and then I watched as people in the museum became part of the exhibit. It was addictive to stand from above at one of the several viewing points and watch how visitors unbeknownst to them, interacted with the shadows cast on the floors, puncturing the solid black shapes with their body movement. People were creating their own narratives without even realising.
I would like to visit when the place is empty. But even then, with all the 'distractions' gone, I still think I would get lost in the architecture. I can't believe the Museum is free to enter, if I ever lived in London I know where I would spend a lot of my time